User Guide
Published: 19 March 2010.
This site allows you to add listings for Management Rights for sale or Residential Properties for sale or to let. The listings you post on are also syndicated to a collection of partner websites (depending on the style of listing you create).
In order to post your listings, you’ll need to have a member account with
Basic accounts are free to setup, however you will be billed for each listing you post. If you post several listings it may be more effective to consider taking a paid subscription to the site – enabling you to post unlimited listings for a flat-rate. Please call our sales team on +617 3868 4047 to discuss.
If you are a student of a participating university on you will also receive free access provided you used your university student email address to register. If you don't use this email address, listings will be invoiced. Unfortunatly these are non-refundable.
To signup for a member account, simply click the NEW USER SIGNUP link in the member account menu and complete the form. Ensure you spell your email address correctly, as this is where we’ll be sending your password.
Upon completing the form, click the JOIN NOW button and your login details will be emailed to you instantly, you may then login and begin posting listings.
Log into the site by entering your email address and password.
The email address used to login will be the same email address your password was emailed to when you registered.
If you can’t remember your password, click the FORGOT link and enter your email address. If you can’t remember which email address you are registered as, call us on +617 3868 4047 or email us and we’ll retrieve these for you.
After you log in, your member account menu will display options available to registered agents and brokers:
- Account Settings;
- Add New Listing;
- My Listings;
- Log Out
Account Settings
This page lets you view and change your account details and profile.
Your Email Address is where all your sales enquiries will be sent, it is also used to login to the website.
WARNING: You must ensure you supply a valid email address (triple check your spelling!!!) else you will not receive any enquiries. If you change your email address on the website, you’ll need to log in with the NEW email address next time you log in.
Your Password will be randomly generated by the website and was emailed to you when you first signed up. Now that you have logged in, you can change this to something easier to remember, if you wish, however please ensure its not easy to guess.
Ensure you set your Web Address, Contact Name, Business Name and your Daytime Phone number with accurate information as these will all be used for sales enquiries.
You should upload a company logo to be displayed with your listings, ensure it is a 3 colour jpg. The site will resize this image as needed, automatically.
You should also fill out the Profile Box (the last box on the form) as this will also be displayed to prospects.
Once you are satisfied that your account settings are up-to-date, click the Update Account button to save your changes.
NB: If you change your password or email address on this page, you should log-out of the website, and log back in with the new details to ensure your session has been reset.
Add New Listing
To add a new listing to the website, login and click the Add New Listing link displayed in your member account menu.
Completing the Add New Listing form:
This form allows you to specify the various aspects of your listing. The questions on the form change depending on the information you specify, so it is critical that you answer each question in order. If you make a change to a previous answer please recheck your subsequent answers to ensure your other questions have not changed.
You should not skip questions, try to answer every question, some of our partner sites will not accept your listing if the information you provide is incomplete or misleading.
Uploading Images:
If you upload images with your listing, these must be 3 colour JPGs. The website will resize your images automatically, however the larger / more images you upload, the longer it will take for the listing to save after you click the Save Listing button. If your connection is slow, you’re uploading off a CD-ROM, or your files are very large, this could take a very long time – If this does happen, please be patient (go make yourself a coffee) and don’t re-click the Save Listing button (or it will go even slower) and don’t close the window (or the listing will not save).
If you have a basic (free) membership with us, or your paid subscription has expired, you’ll need to pay for each listing.
To do this, simply complete the payment form that is displayed after saving your listing. As soon as the payment is processed your listing will be made public (this takes about 30 seconds).
To ensure your safety, your payment is handled securely (128bit SSL encryption) by our certified 3rd party gateway: PayMate – Paymate will appear on your statement and invoice. No one else, including our staff, will be able to access your credit card details.
If you post several listings it may be more effective to take out a paid subscription with us – enabling you to post unlimited listings for a flat-rate monthly fee, billed to your credit card or bank account. Please call our sales team on +617 3868 4047 to discuss.
Your listing will be instantly available to the public after the Add New Listing form has been completed and payment received (if applicable). Our partner sites update once every hour, so it please allow at least 1 hour for these sites to publish your listing. If you’ve failed to provide accurate and complete information, your listing may be rejected from these sites. If there is a problem, please double check your listing to ensure all information is accurate, and if so, call or email us for help on +617 3868 4047 or
Update My Listings
This page will show all your active listings stored on our website. You may give this page address to your clients if you want an easy way to show them all your current stock.
To UPDATE a listing
If you wish to update a listing, you must first login to the website. After doing so, simply locate your listing using the Update My Listings page and open your listing by clicking MORE INFO on the listing summary). An Update Listing button will be displayed at the top of the listing, click it to load the Update form and make any changes needed.
As with new listings, if you do not provide accurate and complete information, our partner sites may reject your changes – leaving your listing as it was previously on their sites.
To Remove a listing
If you wish to remove a listing from all websites, simply locate it using the Update My Listings page and open it by clicking MORE INFO on the listing summary). A DELETE THIS LISTING button will be displayed at the top of the page, click it and the website will confirm you are sure you wish to remove. Click OK and the listing will be deleted from all websites within the hour.
Getting Help
We do understand that sometimes people get stuck, and sometimes we find new bugs we weren’t previously aware of. If something is not working as you expected it to, please call us on +617 3868 4047 or email us and we’ll do our best to give you as much help and support as we can.